About us

Riles & Woolley Monuments

see our displays ALSO in Little Valley & Gowanda

“Loved Ones Never Forgotten” is a saying that has been passed on through generations, just as the idea of memorialization has been. Memorialization is an important part of not only our nation’s history but also every individual’s life.
The way people want to be remembered is a personal choice and takes some consideration, let us assist you with these important decisions. Riles & Woolley Monuments is an innovative, full-time, full service monument company, which was started as a partnership between Warren Riles & Mark Woolley in April of 1989. We are members of the Monument Builders of North America and the New England Monument Dealers Association.
We have a spacious indoor/outdoor display of over 50 different memorials with different shapes, sizes and colors of granite.
Some of the reasons to consider our company:

  1. We have the area’s largest computerized design room, allowing us to combine modern technology with age old techniques to create customized memorials.
  2. We give free quotations and estimates.
  3. We show prices on all of our memorials to ensure equal pricing for everyone!
  4. We accept major credit cards for purchases.
  5. We have completed memorials for many organizations, including the monument “In Memory of the Unborn” In St. Mary’s Cemetery, Dunkirk.
In the fall of 1998 we completed a large expansion to our facility to be able to better accommodate our monument production.